Author/Illustrator Timothy Young Presents: MAC AND THE MILLSTONE OF TIME + A Chance to Win a Copy

As a fan and writer of historical fiction for kids I was intrigued by author Timothy Young’s newest book MAC AND THE MILLSTONE OF TIME (Schiffer Kids).
Here is my review for this book based on historical fact:

MAC AND THE MILLSTONE OF TIME is an illustrated chapter book. An engaging and kid-friendly tale of Mac – a brave mouse who lives at Wye Mill on the eastern shore of Maryland. After falling into a millstone hole, Mac begins a time travel adventure through the history of the mill and the eastern shore area. He experiences all the changes that have occurred since the mill was built in 1682, while trying to find his way back home.

Each chapter includes a sidebar that sums up the history of Maryland’s eastern shore region as well as information on what took place there in history. A clever and entertaining way to tell a true story of the Wye grist mill that is still in operation today. Perfect for early elementary school readers.

I asked Tim how the story came about:
1. Where did the idea for MAC AND THE MILLSTONE OF TIME originate from?
A couple of years ago a local friend emailed me about how the Friends of the Wye Mill were looking for an author to write a children’s book about the Wye Mill, the oldest operating grist mill in America. I agreed to meet with them and talk about their needs. They were looking for someone to expand on an idea that someone who worked at the Mill. I explained that I wasn’t really the kind of author who wrote about local history but I would think about it and get back to them. I gave them some advice about the publishing industry and different ways to go about making their book.
2. How did you decide to tell the history of Wye Mill from the POV of a mouse named Mac?
The story idea that they wanted to expand on was about a mouse named Mac who lived at the Mill. I was a very basic outline for a picture book. It was cute but not the kind of story I would write. I had a tour of the Mill after the meeting. Outside of the mill are two old millstones on display. A thought occurred to me that one of these could be the original millstone from when the mill was built in 1682. The millstone has a hole in the middle of it and I thought, what if Mac went through that hole and was transported back in time? What would he see and how would he get home? The story started falling out of my brain. I couldn’t stop thinking about it.
3. A chapter book is a departure from your usual picture books. What was it like to write a longer story? Tell us your process for this book.
I soon realized this was not a picture book. The idea of Mac going in and out of the hole and landing in different periods of time would definitely need to be a chapter book. I proposed this to the board and they liked my idea and I started to work on the book.
One thing I really enjoyed in writing about time travel was setting up little hints in the beginning of the book that become much more important as the story unfolds. I hope the readers enjoy getting to those later chapters and making the connections.
Happily, my publisher Schiffer Kids liked the outline I sent them and they agreed to publish the book. I am splitting the royalties with the Friends of the Wye Mill to support their educational programs.
4. What would you like young readers to know about the story? What is the message from the book?
When I set out to write Mac’s story I did not want it to be a book about a local place for a local audience. I wanted to write an exciting adventure that any reader anywhere would enjoy. When the reader realizes the Wye Mill is a real place in Maryland on the Eastern Shore of the Chesapeake Bay, that’s a bonus. Readers will learn some history about the mill and events in Maryland and the United States while they are enjoying the story but it’s mostly about Mac trying to find his way back to his time and his family.
5. Anything else you’d like us to know?
I’m excited to have my first chapter book published. Over the years of working on writing and illustrating picture books I’ve worked on a few chapter book ideas but never felt that I was to author to finish them. I’m currently taking another look at them and, who knows, I might actually finish them now.
I have a signed copy of MAC AND THE MILLSTONE  that I will give to one lucky reader who leaves a comment at the end of this post. One winner will be drawn at random from all who enter. USA only, please.

11 thoughts on “Author/Illustrator Timothy Young Presents: MAC AND THE MILLSTONE OF TIME + A Chance to Win a Copy

  1. I will have to point this book out to my relatives in Maryland! They’re just graduating from PB age to chapter books and this sounds right up their alley. Thanks, Darlene and Tim!

  2. I loved how this author got the idea for his book. This sounds like a fun way to learn more about a historic place and time.

  3. Congratulations Timothy! Great post! I loved learning how he came about the idea of writing the story. It sounds so neat. Looking forward to reading it.

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