Respect the Brave Who Secured America’s Freedom by Marilyn Ostermiller

Memorial Day offers an excellent opportunity to help the children in our lives understand how defenders of our freedoms fought for us throughout history. Memorial Day is a federal holiday in the United States. It was set aside to honor and mourn the loss of U.S. military personnel who died while serving in the United States Armed Forces.

Memorial Day, which falls on the fourth Monday in May, is celebrated with parades, picnics and ball games.


It also offers an opportunity to acquaint children with what we are celebrating. For example:

—  Visit a local veterans cemetery. Volunteer your time and decorate the graves of these heroes with the American flag and flowers.

Fly the American flag outside your home.  U.S. Flag Code requires flying the flag at half-staff until noon. Then raising it to the top of the staff.

— Visit an historic site. Places to consider include the Andersonville National Historic Site, the Antietam National Battlefield, the World War II Memorial, Valley Forge National Historical Park, the African American Civil War Memorial, and Pearl Harbor National Memorial (see below). At these places, you will learn more about the significance of Memorial Day.

pearl harbor

 Many former U.S. military forts are open to the public. Their preserved walls tell rich stories of historical significance and offer an opportunity to appreciate the contributions of fallen soldiers.

— Visit a battlefield site. The National Park Service protects a number of historically important battlefields.

For example, the Minute Man National Historical Park, commemorates the opening battles of the American Revolutionary War at Lexington and Concord. It’s located in Massachusetts.

Other notable sites of battlefields include the Palo Alto Battlefield National Historical Park, the Gettysburg National Military Park (Little Round Top Battlefield in Gettysburg, PA, below)  the Vicksburg National Military Park, and the Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument.

litttle round top at gettysburg

 — Attend a Memorial Day Parade

Walk a Trail of Remembrance. National Historic Trails remember the different routes military members used in the past, including the Washington-Rochambeau Revolutionary Route National Historic Trail and the Star-Spangled Banner National Historic Trail.

Another way to introduce children to Memorial Day is through books:

— Kids’ Memorial Day Tribute, by J. P. Anthony Williams, explores the rich tapestry of American history from the Revolutionary War to modern day remembrance. (Ages 2-10)


rememberinA Day for Rememberin’ by Leah Henderson and Floyd Cooper was Inspired by true events and told through the eyes of a young boy, it tells a moving story of the first Memorial Day May 1, 1865. (Ages 6-9)  


Memorial Day by Emma Carlson Berne and Simone Kruger.  This book honors soldiers who fought and died for the United States includes online music access.

 Marilyn Ostermiller is a journalist who writes children’s books.marilyn O pic

2 thoughts on “Respect the Brave Who Secured America’s Freedom by Marilyn Ostermiller

  1. Thanks, Angie. I’m very glad my message struck a chord with you. I hope you enjoy the weekend Marilyn Ostermiller

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